June 30, 2000

UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES: Tear Gas is Sucks.... Cool! Hi Bung? Kita pada syndrom nih setelah Holland dan Portugal Kalah atau gimana?

June 27, 2000

ROIbot.Com: A Tool for Increasing Your Advertising ROI, Whether you sell your own products, sell products for other companies, or are a professional affiliate. Huh? Egh? Apa?

June 22, 2000

Pemerintah Cina mengunakan Linux sebagai OS "kenegaraannya", sedangkan pemerintah Indonesia yang lagi kekurangan Dana Untuk TI mendekati Microsoft. Katanya pula, sekarang sedang merencanakan government licencing loh... Amin.

June 19, 2000

Dot Coms Fear Nasdaq Boot Many Internet companies that were successful in getting listed on the Nasdaq exchange now have something new to worry about: making sure they don't get kicked off

June 18, 2000

Cool! BiNusHack The Dark Side of Bina Nusantara University

antihackerlink "digital" artwork design pakai blogger juga.

June 16, 2000

Masa Depan Situs Web - Kompas via Catcha, saya kutip: "Masa depan tidak akan lagi dibatasi oleh di sini produsen di sana konsumen, atau di sini penerbit di sana pembaca. Di sini pengelola situs Web di sana para pengakses". --dan bila ia mengelolah situs webnya via akses web? I couldn't see a line between. Please help....

June 15, 2000

Telkomnet Instant bagus, design baru juga menarik. Yang jadi pertanyaan "No" yang kalau kita click pada "new product" disitu "Has New Product" No Has New Product? Kayaknya bener juga, wong si No kemarin cerita mengenai New Productnya.

June 13, 2000

robot frog punya cara sendiri yang cukup biasa-biasa untuk ucapin selamat datang ke sitenya doski.

Cool! ALL America Telecom long distance telephone rate comparison and secret marketing tricks revealed

June 11, 2000

You now have the opportunity to kiss the beautiful Kiss Claire Danes! Amazing...

Somebody always receiving gags and cool files in their email that are good for a laugh. -- and so did I-- I never save them because they take up too much space. So this time I decided why not make links to sites that host these fun files. So here they are.

detikcom akhirnya kena demo juga setelah berulang kali dirancang ulang. Demonya lucu juga kata pembaca artikel tersebut.

June 09, 2000

Hanya sebuah WhoIs.UserLand.Com sebuah interface pintar nyang kagak neko-neko.. ndak maksa-maksa, jelas!

June 08, 2000

Aha! Bagi pengemar domain kotor bernuasa porno silahkan gunakan rudeurl untuk memulainya, asyik loh!

June 06, 2000

Dari Maximus Homepages yg pakai musik pula (thank's Dgos!) kita ke Goldware International coba check dia bisa bakal pop3 ndak yah?

Besok H.U.T nya Pak De Harto loh. Domainnya udah ada yang booking loh di Netsol.

Diva and Goliath: How many stories have you read about big corporations sending their lawyers after small website operators for trademark infringement? Paramount closing down Star Trek fan sites. Chesebrough-Ponds closing down a Q-tip fansite. Big corporate America will go to any lengths to protect their interests. And they can, because they have the financial and legal resources.

In April 2000, Microsoft launched a web site located at digitaldiva.com, promoting their own "Digital Diva" as their ambassador to the public.  Ostensibly, this was to promote a kinder, gentler Microsoft in the face of their current anti-trust problems. This web site offers articles, "how to" tips, and advice on computer and Internet use and applications. The Digital Divas had no idea this site was being launched, or that Microsoft had appropriated their trademark rights.

June 04, 2000

Jadi juga warga papua minta merdeka. Mereka yang tidak ngerti artinya demokrasi saja minta merdeka, apalagi Jakarta yang cangih gini yah... Siapa mau ikutan bikin Republik Jakarta?

June 02, 2000

Menyambut bergabungnya toekangweb si pengamat design dan kandungan situs web ke Bemo live. Toekangweb memang digemari dan bila anda ingin gabung boleh-boleh saja... caranya baca dipenjelasan kami.

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